Friday, July 31, 2009

New WebLog

After doing some traveling along the Lewis and Clark Trail, I decided to try something similar, but much closer to home. I just published the first entry for the new blog, which is called Historical Travel. It wll be pretty similar to what I started to do here, but with a focus on historical sites in the Mid-Atlantic states.

Please stop by and take a look!


  1. Your blog is extremely interesting. Lewis and Clark's expedition was indeed a feat and I enjoyed some historical markers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. But do you know about Pierre de la VĂ©rendrye? You might like to check out this wikipedia link. It would be so very nice if someone could remind the world at large of his existence and exploration, well before Lewis and Clark were even born.,_sieur_de_La_V%C3%A9rendrye

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